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Awai Shop


From local to global

Connecting things, people and events

Awai Shoten is a small shop that originated in Tokushima Prefecture.

Local businesses and customers
We will help you build long-lasting, deep relationships.

Our mission is to deliver products that are filled with the passion of the business owners to our customers with sincerity, and to contribute to the development of the local community.

The company name "Awai," which expresses the space between people, was chosen to express this sentiment.

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A world that emerges through creation.

Facing nature and standing at the same level as the creators,
The first important thing to understand.

We do not just sell the products we purchase, but are also attempting to "manufacture" products ourselves.

In particular, my encounter with Kamikatsu Awa Bancha was a fateful one.

Fascinated by the wild tea leaves growing vigorously in the tea fields where the trees grow in their natural state, he became the owner himself and started producing bancha tea.

Through the products, customers will want to meet the makers.

It will create an interest and familiarity with the area and make you want to visit.

So that you can feel that way,

We will carefully convey the background, culture, and stories behind the products.

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Fermentation is the magic of nature.

The power of microorganisms is at work, demonstrating the incredible creativity of nature.

Truly a mysterious process

Tokushima is surrounded by the abundant nature of the sea, mountains, and rivers, and its unique fermentation culture has blossomed.

A large amount of miso and soy sauce are produced using ingredients that take advantage of the region's advantages, such as indigo dyeing, a typical example of a dyed fabric known overseas as "Japan Blue," rice grown on the plains, and soybeans grown as a second crop for indigo.

Thanks to the warm climate and abundant water of the Yoshino River, fermented products that are essential to modern life are concentrated here in Tokushima.

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Tokushima Prefecture is actually the kingdom of citrus fruits.

It is famous as a production area of ​​sudachi and yuzu, and in particular, it boasts the highest production volume of sudachi in the country.

In addition, "Yukou" (Citrus fragrans), which is said to be a natural hybrid of yuzu and daidai, is also known as the "phantom fruit," and Tokushima accounts for 99% of the national production.

We have selected foods and everyday items that use these fresh citrus fruits in abundance, proposing a lifestyle that will enrich your soul with its aroma.

Our Vision

The future envisioned by Awai Shoten

From the products you have in hand,

I am interested in the place of my birth, history, culture, and technology.

I hope this will be an opportunity for people to think about the creators.

How wonderful that would be.

If you come across such a product,

You'll want to visit the place to meet the maker.

If the makers could directly interact with the customers,

You will feel a greater sense of accomplishment, confidence, and joy.

From the countless products that fill our daily lives,

Connecting with creators through interest and empathy

Choosing products from "Awai Shoten"

I'm sure it will be a rich life.